The Digital Competence Framework (DigComp)

The Digital Competence Framework (DigComp)

Educator Guide

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DigComp provides a common framework to assist European citizens and workforce in self-evaluating their skills, setting learning goals, identifying training opportunities, and reaching more and better career opportunities.

The Digital Competence Framework has inspired more than 20 tools in different EU Member States, across target groups of society. DigComp 2.0 defines key digital competences across 5 areas:

  • Information and data literacy (such as the ability to explain information needs; locate, retrieve, store and manage digital data, content and information, or to assess the relevance of the source and the validity of its content).
  • Communication and collaboration (the ability to interact, communicate and collaborate with others through the use of digital technologies, taking into account cultural and generational diversity, to manage digital identity and online reputation and take part in society through the use of digital public and private services).
  • Digital content creation (the ability to create, edit and improve digital content and abide by licensing and copyright, or to revise and integrate information and provide instructions to a computer system or device).
  • Safety (like the ability to ensure that personal and work devices are protected, including personal and work-related data and sensitive information in digital environments, or to understand how technology impacts mental and physical wellbeing and a general awareness of the environmental impact of digital).
  • Problem solving (the ability to identify needs and problems and resolve them in different digital environments, the ability to use digital tools to improve processes, services and products, and keep up to date with the evolution of technology).

The tool is designed to be flexible, allowing individuals to self-assess their digital skills or organizations to assess the digital skills of their employees. It can also be used to develop training programs or to guide the design of digital skills curricula.

DigComp is available in multiple languages and is free to use. You can find more information about DigComp on the European Commission's website.

Key Features

  • Competency Framework: DigComp presents a comprehensive set of competencies and skills that individuals need to become digitally proficient in the 21st century.
  • Seven Key Areas: The framework identifies seven key areas of digital competence, including Information and Data Literacy, Communication and Collaboration, Digital Content Creation, Safety, Problem-Solving, Privacy, and Protecting Health and Well-being.
  • Self-Assessment Grids: DigComp offers self-assessment grids for each area, enabling individuals to gauge their digital competencies and identify areas for improvement.
  • Multi-Level Approach: The framework follows a multi-level approach, catering to different proficiency levels, from basic to advanced.


  • Clear Skill Development Path: DigComp provides a clear path for individuals to develop their digital skills, allowing them to progress through different proficiency levels.
  • Alignment with Modern Demands: The framework aligns with the demands of the digital age, equipping individuals with skills relevant for success in a technology-driven world.
  • Lifelong Learning: DigComp encourages a culture of lifelong learning, as individuals can continuously improve their digital competencies.

Getting Started

  1. Explore the DigComp framework to understand the different key areas and proficiency levels.
  2. Assess your current digital competencies using the self-assessment grids.
  3. Identify specific areas for improvement based on your assessment results.

Considerations and potential concern of using the tool

  • Individual Context: Consider how each competency relates to your personal, educational, or professional context.
  • Skill Development Plan: Create a skill development plan that outlines how you will work on improving specific digital competencies.

Potential Concerns for Using DigComp:

  • Self-Assessment Accuracy: Self-assessment may not always be completely accurate, so it's essential to seek feedback from others to validate your evaluation.
  • Practical Implementation: Translating the framework into practice may require additional support, such as training or resources, to ensure successful skill development.