Sea level projection Tool

Sea level projection Tool

Educator Guide

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Under a warming climate, sea levels around the world have been rising and are projected to continue rising in the future. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. The IPCC was created to provide policymakers with regular scientific assessments on climate change, its implications and potential future risks. The NASA Sea Level Projection Tool allows users to visualize and download the sea level projection data from the IPCC 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The goal of this tool is to provide easy and improved access and visualization to the consensus projections found in the report.

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Key Features

  • Predicting Sea Level Changes: The Sea Level Projection Tool is a specialized tool that uses scientific models and data to project future sea level changes in specific coastal regions.
  • Climate Scenario Analysis: The tool takes into account various climate scenarios, such as greenhouse gas emissions and temperature rise, to provide a range of potential sea level rise outcomes.
  • Interactive Mapping: Users can explore interactive maps to visualize the potential impacts of sea level rise on coastal areas, critical infrastructure, and communities.


  • Integrated Learning: The Sea Level Projection Tool offers an opportunity to integrate climate science, geography, and environmental studies into the curriculum, fostering interdisciplinary learning experiences.
  • Climate Literacy: Using the tool helps educators promote climate literacy among students, fostering their understanding of climate change and its potential consequences.
  • Real-World Applications: By exploring the tool, students can grasp the real-world implications of climate change and develop critical thinking skills to address climate-related challenges.

Getting Started

  1. Access the Sea Level Projection Tool through the provided link.
  2. Facilitate a guided exploration of the tool with students, encouraging them to choose coastal regions and climate scenarios of interest.

Considerations and potential concern of using the tool

  • Data Sources: Verify with students that the tool uses reliable and up-to-date scientific data and models for accurate projections.
  • Uncertainty: Discuss with students that sea level projections involve inherent uncertainties and encourage critical discussions about the implications of these uncertainties.

Potential Concerns for Using Sea Level Projection Tool:

  • Contextual Understanding: Encourage students to consider the local context of coastal regions they explore using the tool and the importance of involving local communities in climate adaptation discussions.
  • Climate Advocacy: Empower students to think about their roles as climate advocates and agents of change, emphasizing the significance of collective efforts in combating climate change.