

Educator Guide

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An interactive visualisation tool to stimulate the debate on how to transit to netto zero carbon emissions in 2050.

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Key Features

  • Visualization through virtual landscape

  • Insight into possible changes in different sectors (transport, buildings, industry, energy and agriculture)

  • Develop scenarios

  • Includes a guide for teachers on how to use the tool

  • Save and share your scenario


  • Student engagement

  • Better understanding of the impact of certain changes

How these features can be used in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning

  • Let students explore the possible options and consequences they have.

  • Start a debate by comparing different scenarios.

  • Let the students answer questions such as: What elements change when changing the chosen slider? Why did you choose to change these measurements? Why is this slider important in the transition?

Getting Started

  1. Create your scenario changing the sliders.

  2. Watch the accompanied video for each sector first and for every slider the information slide.

  3. Sliders go from niveau 1 (no policy) to 4 (highest ambition policy)

  4. Analyse your results 

  5. Save your scenario

Considerations and potential concern of using the tool

Get familiar with the tool first. 

Based off of the Paris Agreement in 2015 that set the goal to stay below a temperature rise of 2 celsius degrees in 2050 after which Belgium concluded they need to reduce carbon emissions with 80-95 percent.